The OP resources below were developed many moons ago. You might find some old videos with an embarrassingly young Matt & Jason, with very questionable editing skills. That said, the content is still relevant and helpful. We hope to update this at some point in the future. You can visit The OP Clinic for up to date content.
Osteitis Pubis
We've focused on Osteitis Pubis (OP) and chronic groin pain since 2010. First in our Port Melbourne Clinic, then worldwide via The OP Clinic (online only program). These days, I focus on my corporate work with BodyGuide, but still take 2-4 clients a month through my 8 Week OP program (Melbourne & Sydney).
OP is one of the least understood and most confusing of all chronic pain conditions. Specialists generally tell you to rest, stretching definitely doesn’t help, and no matter how much time you have off the field, when you get back out and start moving again, your symptoms tend to come straight back.
What is OP
In technical terms, Osteitis Pubis (OP) describes a pattern of tissue damage, dysfunction and chronic inflammation of the adductors (groin muscles), pubic bone and pubic symphysis. Your adductors are designed to keep your pelvis stable, and protect your pubic symphysis. Osteitis Pubis occurs when the adductor muscles become weak and dysfunctional, allowing repetitive overload of the pubic symphysis.
OP patients experience groin pain that gradually develops over time. Symptoms escalate, with pain migrating to the pubic bone, hip flexors and lower back. running, kicking, changes in direction and explosive movements usually aggravate the pain. When OP is allowed to progress, even simple movements like sitting up in bed may become painful.
Strength-Based Rehab
We offer a strength-based rehabilitation program specifically for OP. While Jason at The OP Clinic offers an online-only program, I deliver it in person via my 8 Week Exec Health Program. Below is an interview with a recent 'program graduate'.
A Brief Overview
Osteitis Pubis is the most misunderstood musculoskeletal condition of modern medicine. OP has one of the poorest rehabilitation and recovery times, including major surgeries such ACL repairs and lower back surgery. For most athletes OP will last from 8 months – 2 years; progressively getting worse till you completely cease all forms of training and let it heal. In short, modern medicine does not have an answer for Osteitis Pubis.
This doesn’t have to be the case. Osteitis Pubis is relatively easy to recover from... If you have the right information.
Creating ‘Super Clients’
Osteitis Pubis is a rare condition. Most health professionals achieve poor patient outcomes because they have little to no experience with the condition. I hope this guide creates ‘super clients’. Clients who ask difficult, informed questions about OP to their prospective new therapists, ensuring they receive effective treatment.
Over the last decade, we have have successfully treated hundreds of OP patients; in both our Port Melbourne clinic and across the world online. The recovery time to get back to full activity is usually 8 to 12 weeks. I believe that if my patients presented to me having read this guide, I could cut these times down to possibly 3 to 6 weeks. I’ve seen these results with motivated, intelligent, ‘body aware’ patients. Patients who truly grasp the true cause of OP, and use this to maximise their treatment and rehab processes. I want this guide to make more of these patients.
Osteitis Pubis is a horrible, debilitating condition which can make recovery seem hopeless. I hope this guide empowers every OP patient to realise that the power of recovery is in their hands. That with hard work and the right information OP can be resolved quickly and effectively.
With that in mind please keep reading. I will endeavour to update and complete this guide as my schedule permits.
Click here to book in for a free 20 minute Skype consultation to discuss your case.
What is OP
In technical terms, Osteitis Pubis (OP) describes a pattern of tissue damage, dysfunction and chronic inflammation of the adductors (groin muscles), pubic bone and pubic symphysis caused by repetitive trauma or excessive stress across the pubic joint.
Patients usually experience groin pain that gradually develops over time. Symptoms escalate, with pain migrating to the pubic bone, hip flexors and lower back. Exercise including running, kicking, changes in direction and explosive movements usually aggravate the pain, though full developed cases may be sensitive to all weight bearing movements.
Pain profile: What does OP feel like (common symptoms)
Osteitis Pubis usually starts with just a dull ache in your groins at the end of a long training session or the day after. Then you start to feel it at the start of training, but once you warm up its fine. But it takes longer and longer to warm up, and now you wake up with it the morning. Its not to long until it stop going away. Until it hurts when you stand up from sitting down. When you groins feel so tight that your start getting pain in your pubic bone. When you seem to be losing power in your legs and the idea of changing direction is about as appealing as sleeping on a bed of nails.
How to diagnose OP
There are a few ways to diagnose OP. The most accepted is to use an XRay, MRI or ultrasound to investigate if their are any changes/degeneration at the pubic symphysis and pubic bone.
OP that appears on scans is already in its advanced stages; its pretty obvious that you have OP, the scans are just telling you how bad it is. You can diagnose OP and determine how far its progressed through some simple at home testing detailed in the link below.
What causes Osteitis Pubis?
If you pop Osteitis Pubis into google you will get endless explanations to the causes of OP. These causes will often involve
Running on hard surface
Increased training load
Faulty running style
Over training with an open leg stance (kicking a soccer ball)
Over pronation etc.
Most OP patients do engage in the above activities. But so do lots of people. So why do your groins hurt? Why do get OP from increasing your training load and over pronating and none of your friends do?
The Truth: Overworked Adductors
Osteitis Pubis develops when poor biomechanics; the patterns and way you move your body overload and over burden your adductors. Your overworked adductors become fatigued, dysfunctional and stiffen, developing trigger points and eventually develop OP.
Fixing OP is then a simple process; relieve the pressure of the overworked adductors by strengthening and improving the poor biomechanics.
But which of your biomechanics are faulty? Which need strengthening? How is my over pronating, supination, hip drop, anterior pelvic etc. linked to my OP? These questions are answered in greater detail in further pages.
Click here to book in for a free 20 minute Skype consultation to discuss your case specifically and how we can help you fix your OP permanently.